How 10X Genomics Tripled Employee Engagement and Enhanced Savings & Quality

10X Genomics is a cutting-edge biosciences company that specializes in developing technology and products to advance the field of genetics. 

  • Industry: Biosciences
  • Customer Since: June 2020
  • Employees: 700+
  • Locations: 5
  • Objective: Increase employee participation in their food program & optimize savings
case studies-11 (1)

3X Increase

10X Genomics grew employee participation by three times

8 Percent

Increase in cost reduction surmounting to $100K+ in annual savings

4+ Stars

A data driven approach and a customized marketplace resulted in 4+ star ratings consistently

Journey & Impact

Initially, 10X Genomics collaborated with Chowmill during the COVID-19 period with 250 employees and 3 restaurant options across three locations.

As of June 2020, the partnership has grown to accommodate 700 employees and 6 restaurants daily, spread over 5 locations.

Chowmill has created a tailored restaurant marketplace that not only enhances cost savings but also maintains a healthy balance between variety and quality.

Untitled (1)    Our employees absolutely love Chowmill! The variety of daily choices & restaurants are a true game changer. This is the first time employees are not complaining about lunches, especially those with dietary restrictions! Amazing service, we don’t have to worry about late deliveries, missing meals, etc any more. We at 10x Genomics highly recommend Chowmill!

 Missy Hazen
 Workplace Manager, 10X Genomics

328K Orders

Over 328,000 meals were delivered to employees in individual packages, offering a daily selection from hundreds of dishes, with no restaurant repeats for weeks.

900 Deliveries

900 deliveries were successfully executed on schedule to 6 distinct locations, simultaneously sourcing from 8 different restaurants.

405K Hrs Saved

Each meal order through the company saved employees 45 minutes by eliminating the need to go out for lunch.


  • Admin ordering for team lunches
  • Guest ordering for visitors
  • Customizable subsidy for contractors 
  • Live reporting on quality, feedback, and finances

Services Used

  • Uniform menus across all locations
  • Simultaneous delivery and setup
  • Up to 8 restaurants available daily
  • Reduced menu repetition monthly
  • Donation of leftover meals
  • Quarterly account management reviews



  • Dedicated delivery team
  • Driver captain 
  • Delivery setup report 
  • Emergency backup restaurants 
  • Leftover meal donation

Discover the Chowmill difference for your business

Whether you are looking to enhance an existing food program or seeking a fresh alternative, let's explore how Chowmill can tailor solutions to your specific challenges and requirements.

Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about how we can assist, or simply to gain more insights into our services. We're here to help in any way you need.